play school mpumalanga

about our play school
Wings of Inspiration Play School helps and assists under-privileged children at our location in Mpumalanga. We currently have 45 children in the play school. The aim of the play group is to assist these kids by facilitating educational programs in doing so building and prepping them from when they go off to school. We assist by getting donations in the form of school supplies, clothing, books and food to mention a few.
In October 2016, Kirtsten was approached by a woman out of the blue and was told that God had told her that Wings of Inspiration must assist her with her playschool in Mpumalanga. Wings Of Inspiration were asked to get involved with the Mpumalanga Play School, and the Wings Of Inspiration Mpumalanga Play School was born. The school is situated in Mpumalanga, South Africa. We facilitated the Play School revamp which included the building of new classrooms and full stationary, play toys and learning packs donated to the school.
In March / April 2018 Wings Of Inspiration initiates and facilitates further sponsorship and assistance to the Mpumalanga Playschool whereby a Jojo Water Tank is donated and installed for clean running water, painting of the facility and continuous ongoing stationary and learning tools being donated.
In November / December 2018 Wings Of Inspiration Play School, through the sponsorship of individual family donations were able to acquire second hand kitchen cupboards and equipment, jungle gyms and play area equipment. Wings facilitated and project managed the delivery and installation of the kitchen for a kitchen makeover to enable the playschool to provide 2 meals a day to the children and staff. The play area was built, and jungle gyms installed for the children to enjoy a happy playing environment.